Name: Twin gauntlets
Description: A basic set of armoured gauntlets made for the martial artist that is tired of dodging edged weapons. With these babies deflecting sharp objects becomes a possibility for every taijutsu fighter. Warning: Should not be used continuously against high ranked (B-S Rank) Weaponry, as they will be ineffective at blocking manoeuvres and may break and require repair.
Rank: C
History: The Ochibiraijin clan may be small. But as a disconnected ninja clan they either have to buy their weaponry, or create it themselves. Thus the Ochibiraijin clan's blacksmith, Kiiroi's uncle. Was pestered and nagged excessively to forge her a set of armoured gauntlets for the sake of beating a rival who happened to like to use knives.
A shiny steel mix. The Gauntlet set is made from several plates of steel (to allow finger movement) armouring all appendages up to the wrist.
Materials: Folded steel